
Insurance—should it really matter?

  • Feb 28, 2021
  • By ALLCARE Team


When you buy a new phone, they offer you a warranty and a separate insurance plan you could purchase. When you buy a new car, they talk about insuring your car in case something unfortunate happens. But why do they push you into getting one when you just spent a lot buying an item you’ve been longing for? For money? To reach their quota? Probably. But the real reason is that they don’t want you to go through the unnecessary hassle of paying even more money should something happen to your new phone and car.

But what does that have to do with health and life insurance, you may ask.

It is pretty simple—if you’re willing to spend money to have your possessions insured, why not have yourself insured as well, right?

In the last installment of our insurance article series, ALLCARE is here to answer the question: does insurance really matter?

Well, the simple answer to that question is YES. Insurance should matter to everyone, and if you think otherwise, we’re here to explain the true importance of insurance. Here are three reasons that will complete the sentence, “Insurance is important”, perfectly.

Insurance is important…

because your efforts should not be put to waste.

It is a known fact that insurance is not just an expensive investment, it also is a life-long commitment. Putting your money into it should give you peace of mind instead of a headache. Financial freedom, as mentioned in the previous article, is one of the most important things insurance can give a person. Not only will your hard-earned money go to a good cause, it will also promote discipline in terms of budgeting finances.

because your loved-ones matter.

One of the things an insurance provides is protection not just for your loved-ones’ future but their present as well. For breadwinners, this might be one of the most treasured things you can leave behind for your family, when your time comes. The insurance pay-out they’ll get will ultimately be of great help and importance in continuing on in life. Furthermore, depending on your insurance plan, they can also get medical benefits should the need for it arise.

because you matter.

When getting insurance, you have complete freedom in choosing the perfect insurance plan that fits your lifestyle and your allotted monthly budget. Aside from that, during emergencies and unforeseen instances, having insurance shields you from a lot of unnecessary cost and hassle. But above all else, having insurance protects you, in almost all aspects. Your life is precious, you matter, and you deserve to be insured.

Insurance is important, we can’t stress that enough. In today’s world, especially with the pandemic going on, having a reliable insurance plan isn’t just a ‘want’, it has become a need.

While it is common knowledge that a lot of people are still struggling, it is a good thing that there are now companies offering affordable but reliable insurance plans. ALLCARE is one of those companies. As it continues to expand its services and reach heights of success, it has recently partnered with FWD to provide not just the freelancers, MSMEs, and contractual employees with budget-friendly insurance plans, but to everyone wanting to get one for themselves.

And as the National Insurance Month comes to a close, so does our insurance article series. We hope to have brought you more information and clarification regarding the insurance industry. We here at ALLCARE are more than happy to share what we know and we hope to have inspired people to get their own insurance plans.

Here’s to protecting and insuring yourself; and to be a catalyst of change to others!

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